All in Parenting

How to Throw a Movember Party

If you’ve read my recent blog, Movember Mustaches: Raise Awareness for the Special Men in Your Life, then you get it. You know Mo. You want Mo. You’re ready for Mo. So here are my best tips on how to throw an amazing themed fundraising event in honor of Movember, and how to get your guests excited to attend, donate, and participate! And of course raise awareness for men’s health issues, such as prostate and testicular cancer.

Movember: Raise Awareness

If you don’t know what Movember is, then you might be confused with all the mustaches and beards suddenly growing on the men in your life. What it may seem like is a bunch of silly mustaches or some lazy shaving for a month (and there is definitely a lot of fun with it!), but the underlying reason for Movember is nothing to laugh at.

It’s Always Sun Safety Season in San Diego

Living in San Diego will teach you one thing, the sun is in full effect year round. Not that I’m complaining! But with the extra sun exposure comes the need for sun safety for the entire family. Don’t let the upcoming “winter” weather fool you, even on a cloudy cool day the sun’s rays can be damaging your kiddos skin and eyes. Here are some sun safety tips you can’t ignore as a San Diego mom.*

You’ve Been Booed! Halloween Fun

There is nothing more fun than finding a bucket of Halloween treats at your door and knowing that one of your neighbors was thinking of your family when they bought them. It sure makes you feel special! I’ve never been “booed” before, but now that I have I can’t wait to make it a Halloween tradition! There’s no going back now....

Are You Ready for Your Child’s First Day at Daycare?

Maternity leave has run out. Your boss wants you back. It brings tears to your eyes just thinking about it, but the time has come to return to work. Ugh! And on top of adjusting yourself the change, now you also have to prepare your child to start daycare. Here are five ways you can prepare for your child’s first day at daycare.

6 Must-Do’s Before an Overnight Without the Kids

We recently enjoyed a long weekend away from the kids to head to Sonoma, and Grandma was nice enough to babysit. We have a two-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl, so there still are things that they aren’t able to tell her they need. So writing it down is very important! In all the chaos of you leaving, there is no way Grandma is going to remember the things you tell her - or know what you know. So make it easy on her, and ease your mind with these tips!