
Welcome to the Squirmy Wormy blog! As a children's book author, I try and fill my life with creative projects and outlets for my family. From art projects to kids activities to easy recipes, I want to share them with you and your family!

3 Red Flags Job Hunting as a Mom

3 Red Flags Job Hunting as a Mom

In my recent job hunt, there were a few red flags that really jumped out at me as a working mom and woman. Go with your gut when interviewing and don't be afraid to turn down a job that isn't the right fit. It's so much harder to leave a new job or get laid off because it isn't the right fit. Here are three red flags that jumped out at me.

Can You Handle All This

In my interviews I always made a point to casually bring up my two children and their ages. I'd mention that I have a young family, or that my baby was almost a year old, or that I just had my second and last child (haha)... But the point of all this was to show that I have a lot more going on than just my job, and this is my “full package.” But in one interview I was actually asked, “so do you think you can handle all of this?” The answer is yes. Of course. And oh by the way, so you ask your male interviewers if they can handle being a dad and a professional? Doubtful.

We Really Need Everyone in the Office Every Day

Flexibility is a newer benefit that companies can offer their employees if their other benefits aren't plentiful. It doesn't have to be a consistent work from home structure, but having the option to work from home a day here or there is a big bonus. Especially if your sick kid is just sitting on the couch all day, why waste a vacation day if you could be working from home? Ask the question while interviewing and if it sounds pretty strict, it will be. And you will feel frustrated down the road, which isn't fair to you or your new employer.

We Work Day, Night, Weekends

The mindset about quality over quantity is important in your job hunt. It's an old school mindset to think that you have to be putting in 50-60 hours a week to be doing great work. If you can't get your job done in a normal work day, then it's too big of a job and you’ll struggle from day one. You know what your nights and weekends look like, and they are filled with important time with your children. While interviewing, pay attention to cues about working late, at night, on weekends, to determine if this is a standard or the exception.

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Sticky-Icky BBQ Chicken Legs

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One Pot Italian Pasta