
Welcome to the Squirmy Wormy blog! As a children's book author, I try and fill my life with creative projects and outlets for my family. From art projects to kids activities to easy recipes, I want to share them with you and your family!

Free Bug Coloring Pages

Free Bug Coloring Pages

Summer break is just around the corner so now is the time to stock up on creative projects for you to do with your kiddos. Download these free bug coloring pages and print off at home!


  1. Have your child cut out the bug after coloring it and mount onto another piece of paper with items glued onto it from outside (grass, sticks, leaves, etc).
  2. Trace the bug pattern onto watercolor paper and have your child paint the bug instead of coloring.
  3. Create a story with the bugs as characters and have your child read it to you!
Brush Those Teeth!

Brush Those Teeth!

Inspiration From All Sides: Squirmy Wormy Children’s Books

Inspiration From All Sides: Squirmy Wormy Children’s Books