It’s official - we’re in Kindergarten! The change in schedule has been hard for all of us, but here are my 4 biggest tips to survive the new schedule and challenges that comes with it as a working mom.
Welcome to the Squirmy Wormy blog! As a children's book author, I try and fill my life with creative projects and outlets for my family. From art projects to kids activities to easy recipes, I want to share them with you and your family!
All in Mommee Coffee Blog
It’s official - we’re in Kindergarten! The change in schedule has been hard for all of us, but here are my 4 biggest tips to survive the new schedule and challenges that comes with it as a working mom.
We recently enjoyed a long weekend away from the kids to head to Sonoma, and Grandma was nice enough to babysit. We have a two-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl, so there still are things that they aren’t able to tell her they need. So writing it down is very important! In all the chaos of you leaving, there is no way Grandma is going to remember the things you tell her - or know what you know. So make it easy on her, and ease your mind with these tips!
In our house, the sound of the blender gets everyone excited (especially our two-year-old). They know that a tasty treat is coming soon, and they want to help! Here are a few tips and recipes for making smoothies with your family.
Teaching your children how to brush their teeth -- and care about brushing -- is an endless battle. And it’s easy to give in and give up. But you’ll hate yourself when your child is sitting in the dentist’s chair getting a cavity filled! Try these tips to turn your kids on to brushing their teeth.